Both Phil and I were off today, so we had discussed going out. Well it was a very slow start, pretty much for both of us. I may have gotten up later than him but he ended up taking a nap, and then we got watching some TV. So needless to say, next thing we knew it was 4:30pm and we hadn't left the house yet. I did take some garbage outside this afternoon and ran back in to where it was cool. Very hot!!! and muggy!!! today. We are in our monsoon season here now and boy can you feel it today!
We left the house at 4:30pm and decided that we would swing by Mike's house for a quick visit. It had been awhile since our last visit and I was anxious to see some molding that he had added to his kitchen cabinets. Very nice job! He had just gotten back from the gym when we stopped by. He had plans to meet friend's in Phoenix tonight. One of Karen's friends boyfriends, had a "gig" at one of the clubs down there this weekend.
Missy was up at the lake today with some friends and had a great time! This was pretty much the first time that she has been outside in the sun for a prolonged period of time since her burn accident. She has been very careful to wear a high SPF cover when she is out but of course today she was doing boating activities so it all washed off. She called me on her way home to say that her hands had turned bright red and purple. Hope that it isn't permanent! A bunch of her friends are going our tonight to celebrate another friend's 40th birthday tonight. She'll be busy the rest of the weekend writing 3 briefs for her second summer class at ASU. She finished up her other class last Monday.
After we left Mike's we headed south and stopped for a bite to eat in Ocotillo. We were pretty close to Herb and Christine's, so after we left the restaurant, Phil called to see if they were up for company. We were about 3 minutes from their gated community, when the clouds had moved in and decided to drop buckets of rain on top of us. Then the winds came! What a mess. As we were sitting at the gate to go into their neighborhood, one of the trees just split down the center and the street was filling up with water quickly! We had a very nice visit. Christine had knee replacement surgery last Wednesday, so she was laid up in bed and Herb is three weeks into treatments and doing well. On our way home, we passed alot of tree limb debris on the streets. When we got back to our house, about 25 miles away, it was bone dry! Go figure!