Saturday, December 19, 2009

JC Celebrated His 1st Birthday Today!

Today, we helped celebrate Brett and Ginger's son's 1st birthday. Missy was at the hospital when Ginger delivered him and was able to hold him within 15 minutes of his birth. It was just 4 days later that Missy ended up at the burn center. Ginger had brought a picture of Missy holding JC to the hospital. I remember looking at that picture and just hoping and praying that Missy would look the same after the ordeal was over!

JC is such a cute little boy and his facial expressions are pricless! Ginger put his cake in front of him and he had at it! What a mess. After he had his fill, Ginger put him in the kitchen sink to clean him up and then it was off into the family room to open gifts. As with all kids, he would have been happy with a gift bag filled with ribbons and bows!

Forgot to mention, that Ginger had quite a spread of refried beans, spanish rice, roasted beef with pepperocini's and taco "condiments"! And of course, the weather couldn't have been better, a "balmy" 75 degrees today!


G'G'ma said...

Ha. I see they've got a fence around the tree!!

Lot's of little kids there.

Phil and Linda said...

I thought that the fence around the tree was a pretty good idea too!