Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas! from AZ

Merry Christmas from Arizona! Christmas Eve day was busy putting the spiced ham in the oven, making swedish cucumbers, icing Lucia buns and making watergate salad. The night before, I made swedish meatballs and no bake cookies (cocoa,peanut butter and oatmeal). I was just finishing up the cucumber salad when I got a call from cousin Cindi saying that Uncle Dick had been taken to the hospital the night before. Dick went into the hospital around 10:30pm Wed night. Aunt Gail and Cindi were there until around 4:30am. Cindi called me with the news around noon, so I decided to run down there for an hour or so to sit with Gail. Missy was just leaving work so asked if I would wait for her, so that we could go together. When we got to the hospital, we found out that they were releasing Dick. They took many tests, but couldn't find what might have been causing him the problems that he was having the night before. He is to go see his primary care Dr. as soon as possible. Anyway, good news that he didn't have to stay any longer.
We had our dinner around 6pm and then watched a couple of movies before opening up gifts. Mike and Missy stayed the night, with a promise of pancakes for breakfast. Had a blast watching Casey and Mike's dog Rocky interact. They don't see each other very often- hardly ever so they were quite comical together!

1 comment:

G'G'ma said...

Thanks for your Christmas photos. Too bad you didn't have lutefisk though!!!!! Anja had a second helping....she is becoming a Swede real fast.