Monday- Phil was rear ended on his way home from work. He was sitting at a red light and a fellow going about 40 miles an hour just plowed into him. The guy was in a new work vehicle (Ford Escape Hybrid) and was not used to driving it. Phil has been contacted by a number of people at this guys work now so it should be going in the shop soon.
Tuesday night, Missy and I went over to Mike's so that she could submit her FAFSA paperwork for 2010 ASU on Mike's computer. Seems like the government isn't current on their system requirements. Both Missy and I have Windows 2007 and they are not compatible. You have to have Windows XP or older!
Friday- Sharon and I met Sadie for lunch. Had our usual bean burro enchilada style with green sauce. Wonderful as always! We made plans to meet Sadie for lunch and a movie on the 24th for Sadie's 75th birthday!!! Friday night Missy was at the emergency room with a burst ovarian cyst. Don was at the hospital with her. When they released her, she was still on morphine so we did some car swapping. Luckily she had gone to the hospital just a few miles from our house. She went home with Don and he nursed her all day Saturday.
Saturday- Phil worked all day and I had my annual eye app't in the morning. Since Phil is in so much pain with his knee, he had been driving his truck instead of the little Miata back and forth to work. Since his truck is out of commission he took mine so I had the little car. I was a little nervous but all went well. It was only the third time that I have driven it. Once before with Missy and the other time with Mom.
Sunday- I went with Missy to have her taxes done and Phil went and picked up Herb for breakfast and then over to a car show in Tempe. His buddy Mike has a classic car and was part of the show. In the afternoon, Don and his kids came over to fly kites and shoot pool. Actually the kite flying was a bust. No wind, not even a breeze! Believe it or not, it had been windy for the past few days straight. Go figure! Brody (6yrs old) loves to shoot pool, so Don and him played. Asia (almost 4 yrs old) is all girl so she enjoyed a tea party. She even got Phil to sit down with her. They stayed for dinner, and then left around 8pm. Casey was a real good girl with them. I was sooo proud of her.
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