Today was Ginger's shower. Missy and I got out on the road about 10am. First stop coffee and a few other stops for essentials and we were on our way up to north Scottsdale. The baby shower was from 12pm to 3pm (pretty much on schedule). Lots of women, lots of good food and really no games to speak of. Hurray!!!! We did have to write down everything that we saw in a big bowl that went around about 1 hour earlier! We also picked up colored bandanas on the way in and later the same colored bandanas had to get together in a group to design a onesy (sp?) There were some very talented women there today. We had to scoot out pretty quick after the gift opening so that Missy could get home to ready herself for her "10" Year High School Reunion. Pics will hopefully follow tomorrow from her evening! When we left this morning Phil was getting ready to head into work. He had mentioned that this weekend would be crazy and sure enough! I got a call from him about 8pm this evening and he said that he probably wouldn't be home until around 5am Sunday morning! He's getting way to old for this!!!! We don't have any room darkening drapes in any of our rooms but hopefully the light from outside won't prohibit him getting a good "days" sleep!
I am writing this journal as a way of keeping our family and friend's up to date on our life in Arizona. My husband Phil and I have lived here for over 33 years and raised our two grown children, Mike and Missy out here. We are not much different than any other family. We both work hard at our jobs and raised our family to the best of our abilities. If you stop by to visit my blog, please say "hi!".
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