Sunday, September 27, 2009

Day 1- Vacation in Holland, MI

Grand Rapids, MI- Airport I arrived on schedule 3:05pm
Linnea kept me company on the ride from the airport to Holland. She didn't warm up right away but she did offer me a fruit treat!

Bill, Tami and Anja were at Dad and Mom's when we arrived. Bill has had a very, very busy week with his Art Prize project. Everyone seems truly excited about it in West Michigan.

While we were eating pizza and wings, a 30 minute news show came on about it.

Heres Anja hamming up to the camera. Mom brought out some ice cream cones from Schwanns for dessert. Anja and Nea had a great time eating them!

Here's Bill, Tami and Anja leaving. Soren had stayed home with a buddy.

Jill and Linnea

Gregg, Jill and Linnea getting ready to leave. MaryJane had come with Gregg to the airport as well, but she needed to get back home to work on some projects. So MJ took Jill's car to get back home and Jill came in Gregg's car.

No pics from today. Dad dropped Mom and me off at there new church for services this morning and then Dad went on up to Agnew to preach at the church up there. After church, Dad picked us up and we went to DeBoer's Bakery for brunch. From there, we went back to the house and dropped off Dad. We headed back out for some shopping- Michael's, JoAnn's, Meijer's, Lowes, Party Store, Tuesday Morning and of course, STARBUCK's. We brought one home to Dad too.
The picture of the temp dial was taken at 6:00pm. Eat your hearts out!!!!!!!

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