Today was beautiful! This is the weather that I love in AZ. Sun was shining brightly, but there was no body sweat!!!! Just nice cool temps with no overheating on the internal engine! After breakfast this morning, Missy and I met up at our favorite coffee shop for our large iced mocha's. When we got back to our house, Missy worked on an online quiz for school and Phil and I took off for a drive. We had gone for a drive last night after dark and headed up north of us towards Saguaro Lake. We hadn't been up there for quite some time so we got a little disoriented on the lights that we were seeing. So we decided to head back up there in the daylight to see how the area had changed. It turned out today that what I thought was the lake was actually the Salt River. That area sure has grown! Heading back south we stopped by Mike's house for a quick visit and then back home.

Scarface Mountain Straight Ahead

Superstition Mountain

"Mike's" Mountain- This "hill" is seen outside Mike's back door

By the word "PHOENIX" on this mountain- this mountain obviously guides planes into the valley!

Saguaro Cactus

View into Mike's living room


Mike's gorgeous backyard "oasis". Gotta love the lush green. He planted rye for the winter.
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