The healing process is definitely starting to kick in today.
She now has uncontrollable itching everywhere, even unburned areas! She is on so much pain meds that it is hard to reason with her about what is safe to do and unsafe to do. She is getting Q-tips and shoving them with sauve on up underneath the really bad areas. I'm so afraid that she will do additional damage. The Dr's asked her today if she had been on any other pain meds prior to the accident, because she has a very high tolerance to the pain meds. We are still on schedule for the surgery on Monday, but at this point don't know when. It's the worst case first and then scheduled from there. Today, Maggie stopped by to visit Missy. Maggie and Tom own the business that Missy has worked for the past 6 yrs. They have been very good to Missy over the years. Phil had to work today so he got there at the end of the first visiting period. At 6pm we went down to the cafeteria for dinner. We were going to run out but it was so cold outside and Phil left his jacket @ work. We also popped our head in the cafeteria and Phil saw that fish was on the menu and they sampled him a whole "plank" that we stayed and ate in house. Maggie mentioned that there was a great mexican restaurant just down the street but we had mexican a few days back. We have time to get over there though! At the 8pm visitation- Julie, Chris, Pam and Mike came. Chris and Pam had a scare with Dani last night, her placenta started to tear so she is on bedrest until Tuesday. Her baby is due the first part of April, so she is at 27 weeks right now. Way too much going on! 2009 has got to be a better year!!
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