We went to Phil's Christmas Party this weekend. It was at Rawhide-Western Town. The town for 30 years or more was located in Scottsdale and then a few years ago it was forced to move. The Gila Indian tribe wanted it, so that it would add to their resort theme. I don't think that it is as nice as the Scottsdale one. Scottsdale was a whole lot older, so seemed a lot more authentic. It is definately a nice place to go if your visiting AZ though. It just so happens that this year my company Christmas Party is there as well. The dinner was very nice- SOOO much food! It was a shame to waste it. They served us "platters" on the chow line. 1/4 (leg and thugh) chicken, very lg steak, baked potato, coleslaw, baked beans and texas toast! They should have had "girls" plates and "boys" plates.
Jerry and Nadia, friends of ours, had just gotten back in town from Iraq so they joined us as well. They are originally from Iraq, but left when they were around twenty or so. They have been in the US for around 28 years. They both accepted positions in Iraq as interpreters. They don't work for the same co so have been unable to see each other for the 6 months that they have been over there. There both are very protected and sheltered in a secured compound. They are both anxious to get back over there the first of the year.
Phil decided to try out the mechanical bull! The blur that you see, is really Phil!!!!
Holly put out a warrant for the arrest of the two Mikes. The Sheriff tracked them down and took them to jail!!!
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