Yesterday was Phil's and my 34th Wedding Anniversary! He slipped out sometime during my naps and picked up a vase of flowers and a wonderfully worded card! His cards are always keepers! I slept off and on yesterday on the pain meds. I'm not needing the pain meds so much for pain of the surgery site but to dull the sense of the swelling in that area. It's a very anxious feeling to have that pressure on your throat. The thyroid was enlarged and giving me that same pressure, but at least now I know that the swelling is temporary. When I video cam with Mom she says that my pictures don't show the bruising that it does on the video cam. The nurse at my hospital discharge said that the site would eventually show all the colors of the rainbow!
Last night, Mike and Missy came over and had dinner with us. Mike picked up Barro's pizza and wings and we watched a movie together. It's always nice to have the kids come over!
My brother-in-law Herb is going back in for surgery this Thursday. He was diagnosed with Stage 4 brain cancer last year. Please send your prayers his way and also keep his family in your thoughts and prayers as well!
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